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Chapel Haven Featured in “Unfettered Wealth” Podcast

Chapel Haven Featured in “Unfettered Wealth” Podcast

Chapel Haven Schleifer Center President Michael Storz recently was a guest on the Unfettered Wealth podcast with host Eric Tashlein, where Mike  talked about his career, his work at Chapel Haven and how Chapel Haven navigated successfully through the pandemic. Tune in...

Nicole Shows Recreation Coordinator

Nicole Shows, Recreation Coordinator Nicole Shows has been an integral member of the Chapel Haven West team since its inception in 2008. Nicole has taken on a variety of roles including Program Staff and Job Coach. Her passion to empower others helped her grow into...

Kelsey Gutschow, Vocational Coordinator

Kelsey GutschowVocational Coordinator Kelsey Gutschow is the Vocational Coordinator for Chapel Haven West and has been part of the team since October 2020. Kelsey has a B.S. in Public Health from the University of Arizona. Before working at Chapel Haven West, Kelsey...