Chapel Haven Schleifer Center President Michael Storz recently was a guest on the Unfettered Wealth podcast with host Eric Tashlein, where Mike talked about his career, his work at Chapel Haven and how Chapel Haven navigated successfully through the pandemic.
Tune in and listen here
About the show
The Unfettered Wealth podcast with Eric Tashlein of Connecticut Capital is where business owners, successful professionals and their families plan for better wealth outcomes. Imagine a lifestyle with certainty, confidence in your team, a clearer “why” for every decision, fewer what-ifs, and your life’s work transitioned into personal wealth. Eric will help you identify better wealth decisions that can help you achieve an unfettered life. Learn more about the show and Eric here
In Chapel Haven’s segment:
“Chapel Haven Schleifer Center is all about providing lifelong individualized services for those with developmental and social disabilities. However, their overarching goal goes even further beyond this. In this episode, Chapel Haven’s president, Michael Storz, joins Eric Tashlein to explain how the organization guides young adults with special needs and empowers them to live an unfettered, independent, and self-determined life Michael discusses:
- Chapel Haven’s $40 million campaign to help, educate, and assist young adults with differing abilities
- The organization’s two must-have skills: listening and understanding
- Successful real-life experiences of former Chapel Haven’s residents
- Diana Bilezikian, and why her book a great resource for parents and young adult children with different learning styles and special needs
- How has Chapel Haven fared during the COVID-19 pandemic
About Our Guest:
Michael Storz is Chapel Haven Schleifer Center’s president, a Connecticut-based organization that teaches people with autism spectrum disorders and those with mild cognitive disabilities the skills to live independently in the community. Michael joined Chapel Haven in 2000 and has an abiding passion for the disabilities field. Through his ability to connect, he has brought the best of the local, state, and national communities into partnership with Chapel Haven in a variety of ways.